Welcome to My Exquisite World!

What will you get working with me:
- Unique & Custom Design, built from scratch,
- Mobil friendly,
- Optimized for conversion,
- SEO optimization for Silver & Gold Packages
- E-Commers Integration (with WIX Premium plan paid by you)
Website Plugin Extentions you can choose with the package
or buy extra
- WiX website Ecommers Functionality,
- Payment Gateway Integration,
- Booking and Appointment Functionality,
- Beauty & Spa Functionality,
- Membership or Subscription Ingetration,
- Review System APP Integration,
- Shipping System Integration,
- Automatic Product Tax Integration,
- Social Media Connection
I've worked with industries all across the board and I can design you a custom-tailored, beautiful website that can be easily managed and updated by you at the completion of the project.
- The pages are elegantly streamlined, for the brand that wants to flawlessly breakdown exactly what they do and why they client needs them.
- I help small businesses with big dreams through irresistible stunning website designs.
- You go from start-up, to unforgettable success!
- Will the package I purchase contain the domain name/ WIX Premium Plan/or Hosting ?
* No, You need to purchase the domain and the premium plan after registering at WIX.com.
- Do you write the content for my website?
* No, originally content writing is not included in either package you choose. However, you can purchase the service "content writing" as an "add-on".
- Will the website be mobile responsive?
* Yes, your website will be mobile-friendly
- Will the website contain SEO optimization?
* The Silver & Gold Packages include SEO Optimization, but the Bronze,
the Landing Page and Extra Pages are not. You can purchase SEO Optimization as an add-on.
- How much time it will take?
* The timeframes given for the packages are only estimate, your website may be ready sooner.
- Am I able to make changes after completing the website if I do not have the coding experience?
* Yes, you can make changes after me completing the website but you need to learn page builder a bit
- If I need any support in the future, do you provide?
* Yes, I provide, the price is depending on the time I need to spend and work on your website.

How does the process work?
Onboarding Brief I will make sure I have everything needed to complete your project.
I have a questionnaire to help me understand the scope of your
project. We can also have a 15-20-minute call for any additional information you feel necessary to tell me!
Content Creation I will use and upload the copywriting you send me in a document or I'll create content based on your goals and plan if you paid for the additional service of "content writing".
Delivery You will review the final delivery and see if you need changes. Your Review.
What I need from you?
* Logo, brand colors, fonts,
* Page Titles & Copywriting in a document,
* Concept & Purpose of your business,
* Hosting, Domain,
* Account details (WIX),
* Plugins, APPs you require,
* Theme, Target Audience,
* Competitors,
* Inspirational weblink (If any)
Please Note:
The Packages do not come with a domain or hosting. I can build on a free version of WIX, but most of the time, a premium plan is necessary. (E.g.: for getting payments, reviews, calculate taxes, for extraordinary galleries, subscriptions,
maps..., and so on.
Project timelines is an estimate, your website could be completed sooner depending on the scope.

Eight Stunning Pages with up to maximum 5 sections each, with 6 extensions/plugins, Complete SEO, up to 40 products. (Within 25-30 days) +
One Gift Remote View of the "Firm" for helping for the owner to get an effective "executive decision" regarding the organization of the business or anything that is a help, e.g.: the partnership with XY will be flourishing or not and how...
Your website is your entire online first impression, while your landing page is only one part of that impression.
Landing Page is a Standalone page designed to enable specific action.
It may contain up to 1-2 sections and 1-2 web plugins / extensions - with content and photo upload.
No SEO set-up, No content Writing, No Quality Photos added. You can purchase these add-ons separately. (I try to get quality photos for free for you but sometimes what you really like you need to purchase them separately.)
What I need from you to start designing...
You will need a domain and hosting account in WIX to have a landing page. You need to provide me your account information to begin creating your Landing Page. (Do not worry, I will explain you how to do all the above if you do not have your WIX account and domain ready.)
I need to know what specific action you want to reach with the Landing Page? Product Landing Page, Lead Capture Page, Sales Landing Page...
What should be on the CTA (Call To Action) button?
$ 450
Extra website page with 1-5 sections without plugins and extras.
The page contains the texts and photos you provide and those will be uploaded.
It is possible to put extra plugins and do the SEO on the page if you pay for the add-ons separately depending on your preference.
SEO Optimization: the page itself, all the titles and photos also
$ 150
$ 35
You give the topic/theme/pics, also the Concept and Purpose of your business for being able to create the content for your website.
Also, which topic is going to be placed to which page...
$ 360
$ 38
You give us the Theme/Concept and Purpose of your business, target audience, also Style, Complexity, brand, colors, and fonts to be used on your Logo.
$ 350
Web Plugin or Extention is a separate "medium", an app that is provided by an outer company that should be attached to your website. Usually, they charge a yearly or monthly amount for their service. Sometimes, it is included in your premium plan. Some of them simple, some of them complicated to set up or make them work. This is why there is "charge" for them.
It is important for you to give us a call {or text / email} before purchasing a plan to calculate the possible plugins you wish to use and to find out how many extentions your premium plan will originally contain.
Examples for Plugins / Extensions:
Gallery, Membership Creation, Subscriptions, Wish List, Contact Window, Booking Service, Store, Digital Payment Solutions like Square or PayPal, Social Media Plugin, Live Review & Rating System,
Instant Messenger Plugin, Shipping Service Plugin, Tax calculation & automatization Plugin... Invoicing...etc
Product Photo Editing include: Changing background, color, light, position, resize... + placing Logo for all product photos...etc
One-sided Business Cards
Here, you pay for only the Design.
You need to provide the desired texts, photos, Logo that you wish to be placed on your business card.
You pay separately for the material, printing and shipping services later on when the design is ready and you approved it. We will inform you more about the process over time...